College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental Sciences

The College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES) is a driving force for economic and community development in New Mexico, enhancing lives through innovative academics, research, and Extension programs. With a mission rooted in education and training, ACES focuses on four core pillars:
- water usage and conservation
- food and fiber production and marketing
- environmental stewardship, and
- family and community health.
These efforts address critical challenges while fostering economic growth and sustainable development, creating a positive and lasting impact in New Mexico and beyond.
Our Vision: To establish the College of ACES as the premier land-grant institution in the Southwest and a national leader in our areas of expertise, dedicated to advancing the sustainable use and management of arid and semi-arid lands.
For more information, contact:
Jeff Caha
Associate Director of Philanthropy
Mobile: (575) 319-4683 | Email:
For more information, contact:
Arnold Naves
Associate Director of Philanthropy
Mobile: (575) 319-4779 | Email:
From the Dean
“Our work—spanning academics, research, and Extension—takes place across many locations, but we are united by a common mission. We’re committed to working smarter with the resources we have to drive meaningful economic and community development throughout New Mexico. As the first in my family to attend college, I am deeply dedicated to expanding opportunities for our students and empowering the next generation to thrive.”
Rolando A. Flores
Giving Opportunities
Agricultural Experiment Station
The Agricultural Experiment Station (AES), the primary research unit of ACES, encompasses scientists based on NMSU’s main campus and at 12 agricultural science and research centers statewide.
Professorship to Support Sustainable Agriculture
This position will serve as a lead researcher in enhancing sustainable agricultural research efforts within the College of ACES.
For more information on making a transformative gift to create a Professorship to Support Sustainable Agriculture, please contact:
Jeff Caha
Mobile: (575) 319-4683
Endowed Chair of Water Management
This chair position will lead efforts to develop innovative methods and approaches to water management in New Mexico and throughout arid and semi-arid landscapes.
For more information on making a transformative gift to create an Endowed Chair of Water Management, please contact:
Jeff Caha
Mobile: (575) 319-4683
The department and the college have supported Betty and me, so it is time for us to reciprocate and support the college, the department and the students.
Don and Betty Lindsey, creators of The Don and Betty Lindsey Endowed Scholarship for undergraduate students entering the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
Endowed Extension Professorships
Three 4-H Youth-at-risk Extension statewide agents are needed to work with underserved youth in each of the Extension Districts. Statewide agents provide positive youth development to help students address the many challenges they face.
For more information on making a transformative gift to create an Endowed Extension Professorship, please contact:
Jeff Caha
Mobile: (575) 319-4683
Endowed Chair of Carbon Management
This chair will support and amplify carbon management research in the College of ACES, empowering future farmers, ranchers, and landowners to leverage land management practices as effective solutions for climate change.
For more information on making a transformative gift to create an Endowed Chair of Carbon Management, please contact:
Jeff Caha
Mobile: (575) 319-4683
National Center on Carbon Management and Soil Health
The National Center on Carbon Management and Soil Health in Arid and Semi-Arid Environments aims to discover, validate, and promote cost-effective practices for improving soil health and managing carbon across diverse land use types.
For more information on making a transformative gift to create the National Center on Carbon Management and Soil Health, please contact:
Jeff Caha
Mobile: (575) 319-4683
Neale Hall Renovation
Complete renovation of Neale Hall is needed to support technology and infrastructure to help support New Mexico youth and create future agriculture and natural resource workforce. Constructed in the 1920s, Neale Hall currently serves as the home for the state 4-H and FFA offices, two leading organizations that offer premier youth development programs in agriculture and natural resources. However, it requires urgent updates to support their continued growth and success.
For more information on making a transformative gift to complete the renovation of Neale Hall, please contact:
Jeff Caha
Mobile: (575) 319-4683
ACES Student Facility Upgrades
To match the excellence of our new state-of-the-art Food Science Lab, Feed Mill, and Biomedical buildings—and empower our students to achieve even greater success—we need to enhance our study spaces, modernize classrooms and equipment, and improve accessibility features. ACES aims to upgrade classrooms and facilities statewide while implementing a tech refresh plan to ensure teaching spaces remain modern, functional, and equipped to deliver enhanced learning opportunities across the college.
For more information on making a transformative gift to fund the ACES Student Facility Upgrades, please contact:
Jeff Caha
Mobile: (575) 319-4683
ACES Undergraduate Research Scholars Program
Launched in 2023, the Research Scholars Program within the College of ACES offers undergraduate students the chance to gain hands-on research experience under the guidance of a faculty mentor. The ACES Undergraduate Research Program supports awarded researchers with funds, course credit, and additional support to fuel collaboration with faculty on scholarly projects within their academic discipline.
For more information on making a transformative gift to fund the ACES Undergraduate Research Scholars Program, please contact:
Jeff Caha
Mobile: (575) 319-4683
Value-Added Development
Your gift to fund Value-Added Development in the College of ACES supports the ongoing work of the Center of Excellence in Sustainable Food and Agricultural Systems (CESFAS), advancing sustainable food and agriculture initiatives in New Mexico. Agricultural sustainability is the ability to meet society’s current food, fuel, feed, and fiber needs without compromising future generations’ ability to meet theirs and requires food and agricultural systems to be environmentally sound, economically viable and socially responsible.
For more information on making a transformative gift to fund Value-Added Development, please contact:
Jeff Caha
Mobile: (575) 319-4683
Sundar Sapkota, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences
My purpose is to extend my knowledge and research by exploring different environmental factors and molecular mechanisms involved in plant growth and development. I will use my knowledge and experience to make a difference in farmers’ lives.
The Impact of Support
Passing the torch, $33 at a time
The Legacy of Dr. Priscilla Bloomquist
Dr. Priscilla Bloomquist’s commitment to Service Continues into Retirement Through Endowed HRTM Alumni Scholarship