Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs on Giving to NMSU
Who Makes Annual Gifts to NMSU?
Anyone can make an annual gift to New Mexico State University. They are made by thousands of individuals every year who want to transform lives. It is one of the many ways in which the university proves it is a caring community. Our contributors include alumni, faculty and staff members, friends of the university, parents, and even current students.
What is the Impact of Giving at NMSU?
Giving creates opportunities for students across every department and college at NMSU. These gifts become direct scholarship awards to students or fund essential programs, research, and new equipment. Every dollar meets a need identified by scholarship coordinators and faculty members. Last year alone, more than 3,000 students from donor-funded scholarships at NMSU, each with a unique story of how this vital support made a difference. When you receive a thank you note from a scholarship recipient, you will experience first-hand the profound impact of your gift.
Can I Designate Which School or Area Receives My Support?
We invite you to give to what you love at NMSU! It’s up to you whether you want to support your own department, one of our athletic teams, an academic scholarship in your college, or another area close to your heart. You can easily give to the fund of your choice through our online giving page. You can also answer the call from one of our students at the Aggie Pride Call Center or mail a check in response to letters you may receive from NMSU leaders and students, offering additional ways to make an impact.
How Do I Direct My gift to a College, Department, or Program of My Choice?
When making a gift online, search for the specific college, department, program, or fund that you would like your gift to benefit. When making a gift using the printable gift form, indicate the college, program, or fund that you would like your gift to benefit in the gift information section.
My Company Will Match My Gift. How Do I Secure a Match?
First, thank you for thinking about this. Many employers will match the charitable gifts of employees, thereby doubling or tripling the value of their gifts. Every company manages matching gift programs differently, so we recommend that you contact your HR department directly.
To find out if your company participates in such a program, you may search the Foundation’s online database of companies that match gifts. Ask your company’s matching gift officer for a gift form and send it along with your gift to the NMSU Foundation. We will take care of the rest.
Can I Support NMSU With a Recurring Gift?
Absolutely! NMSU launched a program to support those who give repeatedly. In honor of our beloved mascot, Pistol Pete, you can show your pride by becoming a rePETE donor and choosing to rePETE your gift monthly, quarterly, or annually (you pick!) through our secure online platform. You can choose the amount of your gift and the date it is taken from your account. rePETE gifts can help your philanthropic goals fit into your monthly budget. You can also email Gift Processing ( for more information on rePETE. Most who use this option say it’s a great, hassle-free way to support NMSU year-round.
Are There Other Reasons to Make My Gift Every Year?
Your annual gift provides essential support for scholarships and programs, but that isn’t the only reason to give. Corporations partly base their own grant-funding decisions on the support that alumni and friends provide to NMSU. Simply put, they give to institutions that receive broad-based support from individuals. Alumni giving rates also factor into college rankings published by U.S. News & World Report and other organizations, which are used by students and parents when selecting a university. When you show your Aggie pride with an annual gift of any amount, you are putting the spotlight on our great university and encouraging future Aggies to follow in your footsteps.
How Do I Make a Gift in Honor or Memory of Someone?
We are happy to acknowledge gifts made in honor or memory of someone. If you send us a name and address, we’d be happy to send an acknowledgment of the gift to the family. No mention of the dollar amount of the gift will be made unless requested.
Are My Gifts Tax-Deductible?
Charitable gifts may provide favorable tax benefits to you. These vary depending on the type of asset you donate and your own income and tax circumstances. Please be sure to consult your tax advisor on the benefits you might expect when making a financial commitment to the NMSU Foundation. structurally separate from NMSU and exists solely for NMSU’s benefit, serving as the preferred channel for private gifts to all areas of the university system.
Will I Get a Receipt for Tax Purposes?
We receipt all gifts in accordance with IRS guidelines and mail those receipts to the address you provide. If you give online, you will also receive a confirmation of your gift via email.
How Does the Foundation Link Online Gifts with Its Giving Records?
The Foundation’s gift accounting department carefully analyzes each online gift to verify whether the contributor is a graduate, a long-time supporter, or a new contributor. Staff members review name and address information (residence and business), graduation dates, and any other comments associated with the gift to correctly link the online gift with the correct contributor.
Is It Safe to Make a Gift Online?
The NMSU Foundation uses industry-standard SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption to protect the confidentiality of your personal information. The NMSU Foundation adheres to the Donor Bill of Rights developed by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, the American Association of Fundraising Counsel, the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy, and the National Society of Fund-Raising Executives. The purpose of the policy is to “assure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the not-for-profit organizations and causes they are asked to support.”
Is the NMSU Foundation a Public or Private Institution?
The NMSU Foundation is a nonprofit corporation with its own Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer and is not a state agency. This structure is common among public universities and results in greater effectiveness and benefits for both the university and its donors.
Who Determines the NMSU Foundation's Fundraising Priorities?
The NMSU administration works closely with the NMSU Foundation Board of Directors to communicate its priorities and needs. These become the focus of NMSU Foundation fundraising efforts.
Can I Make a Gift to Benefit a Specific College or Program?
Giving through the NMSU Foundation allows you to direct your gift for a specific purpose. For example, you may choose to fund an endowed scholarship for students from Lincoln County, New Mexico, who are studying chemical engineering. Most of our donors choose to direct their gifts in a specific way.
You can document the purpose of your gift in one of two ways. For a gift of $25,000 or more, the NMSU Foundation drafts a gift agreement outlining the purpose, form, schedule, and administration of your gift. For smaller gifts, you may document your preference with a letter, pledge card, or note on the memo line of your check or in the comments section of the online giving form.
What is an Endowment?
An endowment is a permanent fund that the NMSU Foundation invests in. The Board of Directors allocates approximately four percent of the fund per year to support the program or purpose that a donor designates. Investment earnings in excess of the annual amount allocated remain in the principal of the endowment. The goal of this approach is to keep pace with inflation and ensure that gifts provide the same level of benefit in the future as they do today.
The NMSU Foundation also accepts non-endowed or “current use” gifts, which are used more immediately for a designated purpose.
How Do I Create an Endowment?
It’s simple. Contact the NMSU Foundation at 575-201-9023, and we will craft a gift agreement that will govern your gift according to your wishes. You may designate your endowment for a specific purpose as long as it is consistent with university policy, state, and federal laws. Once the gift is accepted, the conditions are followed in perpetuity. Endowments may be funded with cash, securities, or deferred gifts through a one-time gift or installment payments for up to five years.
How Does the Market Affect My Endowment Account?
Earnings added to the fund fluctuate with the markets. Although our portfolio is well diversified, some investments might occasionally lose value. The spread of the investment allocations helps compensate for losses by a particular style of investment and takes advantage of earnings realized when an investment style is in favor with the market.
What is the Difference Between a Restricted and Unrestricted Gift?
Unrestricted gifts have no restrictions or conditions on how they may be used so that university administrators (the president, deans, and department heads) can use the funds for their top priorities. Restricted gifts have limitations or conditions on how or when the resources can be used.
For example, a donor may choose to direct a gift to faculty research in philosophy. Once documented, the Foundation and university are obligated to direct those funds as the donor specifies for the future. If the purpose for the gift no longer exists, the donor or Foundation may redirect the funds to a closely related purpose.
Are There Fees Associated with My Gift?
A one-time gift fee of five percent (5%) will be assessed on all gifts to NMSU and the NMSU Foundation on the value of the gift up to $5 million, and a one-time gift fee of two and one-half percent (2.5%) will be assessed on the value of gifts between $5 million and $10 million. The gift fee will be collected at the time the gift is received. This gift fee shall be allocated to supplement the operating costs of the advancement programs of New Mexico State University, which shall include the operation of the Foundation, the Department of Advancement Services, and development programs within the colleges of the university.
How you can make your own impact at NMSU
There are more ways to support NMSU than you might think. Explore how you can make an impact.